
Rates as of November 7, 2024

Basic boarding in our round barns with outdoor paddocks: $800 per month
Includes hay1 and grass pasture turn-out 3 times each week. We are happy to feed grain or supplements provided by you. Feed store pick ups & deliveries can also be arranged.

Basic grass pasture boarding: $675 per month
Includes hay1 and once per week grooming. If supplements or special care is required, we are happy to discuss available options and an extra fee may be required.

At the recommendation of several area veterinarians, we may require “new to Cottonwood Ranch” pasture boarders to spend 2 weeks in a specific location (usually one of our round barns) as a biosecurity measure before being moved to a grass pasture. The rate for the 2 weeks in a round barn is $365.

Dry paddock or dry pasture boarding: $620 per month
Includes hay1. We are happy to feed grain or supplements provided by you.

Basic stall boarding in our east barn and long barn: $950 per month
Includes hay1, shavings & grass pasture turn-out, daily in most cases. We are happy to feed grain or supplements provided by you. Feed store pick ups & deliveries can also be arranged.

Training and Rehabilitation:
We are happy to accept horses in training or rehab. As each horse is an individual with varying requirements, we would be happy to discuss available options and costs.2

Additional Services

Additional grooming of horses in the grass pastures is available for $65/month for two additional groomings per week and $95/month for three additional groomings per week.

Horse blanketing and unblanketing is available for $60/month.

Additional turnouts are available for $75/month for 3 additional turnouts per week, and $150/month for 6 additional turnouts per week.

1 Alfalfa, oat/forage, Timothy and grass hays are usually available. A surcharge for grass hay or Timothy might be required depending on availability and pricing.

2 Cottonwood Ranch does not provide training services. Training with Wendy Wergeles is available. Outside trainers using the facilities must be approved by Wendy Wergeles and provide Cottonwood Ranch with a certificate of insurance naming Cottonwood Ranch as an additional insured.

Clients and guests are required to sign the Release, Waiver and Indemnification prior to visiting the ranch. Boarders are required to sign the Cottonwood Boarding Agreement before their horse arrives at the ranch.